Package-level declarations

텍스트 필드가 있는 패키지입니다.


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data class NameFieldState(val name: String, val lineColor: Color, val helperMessage: Int, val helperIcon: Int?, val helperColor: Color, val isButtonValid: Boolean)


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fun NameTextField(value: String, onValueChange: (String) -> Unit, hint: String, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onValidationChanged: (Boolean) -> Unit, initialView: Boolean = false, isProfileChangedButNameSame: Boolean = false)
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fun SearchTextField(text: String = "", textStyle: TextStyle = TerningTheme.typography.body2, onValueChange: (String) -> Unit = {}, modifier: Modifier, hint: String, leftIcon: Int, enabled: Boolean = true, readOnly: Boolean = false, onSearchAction: () -> Unit? = {})

검색창 텍스트 필드 컴포저블입니다.

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fun TerningBasicTextField(value: String = "", onValueChange: (String) -> Unit = {}, modifier: Modifier, textStyle: TextStyle, textColor: Color, hintColor: Color, drawLineColor: Color, cursorBrush: Brush, helperColor: Color, strokeWidth: Float = 1.0f, leftIcon: Int? = null, leftIconColor: Color = TerningMain, imeAction: ImeAction = ImeAction.Done, maxTextLength: Int? = null, showTextLength: Boolean = false, hint: String = "", helperMessage: String = "", helperIcon: Int? = null, enabled: Boolean = true, readOnly: Boolean = false, onDoneAction: () -> Unit? = {}, onSearchAction: () -> Unit? = {})